And apart from packing, I've been to a SRP class about Nordic larp and Lateralus association as I mentioned in my previous post. Nordic larp class was long, detailed, and very interesting. I did know most of the stuff that was said (not all of it though), I even added a few details myself, but it was very interesting looking at how some people reacted to several ideas that would be considered quite radical in our environment. Photos were shown, movies were played, and overall it was a huge and well done presentation of some 2 hours in which plenty was covered, and Ana was very prepared in giving the lecture and answering the questions.
Lateralus association part was a bit short and slightly vague, but nevertheless quite interesting. There are great plans for it, it's supposed to be an association for non-mainstream larp, with plans to do mythology larp, child larp and educational larp, all in local, regional and European project framework... And some special guests from Nordic larp scene. It's quite ambitious, and it will be interesting to see if it happens.
Now I'm off to bed. And then it's Terra Nova time.
P.S. larp is written using lowercase letters in this article. Apparently, it's the Nordic way to do it, as it entered their dictionaries as a word instead of an acronym.
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