I am a bit late with my review, but I wouldn't do it justice if I didn't review this year's Lubena, last of this year's large events which happened in late August this year. It's both the second largest event that happened in 2011. (after Jaska 8), and the one which was organized on the smallest terrain. Three camps were formed which were rather close by, but mostly it didn't matter much because of the dense foliage on the terrain... Mostly. It didn't offer the barbarian camp enough protection from one very pissed off mage because they were in his range when he woke up, but that's a long story... The terrain on Lubena - or Majčin Gaj as it's called in-game - isn't really suited to monsters. Which is OK, because there weren't any. Instead, players had strange things happening to them... Like everybody waking up and finding a bone in one of their arms turned to jelly, with healing spells offering just a temporary solution before it happened...
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